you know why you are here...

We Will 3X Your Customer Base Organically in 12 Weeks Just By Posting Videos

You can SUPERCHARGE your small to mid-sized B2C business and add an 3X increase in customers/clients and $$$ just using by video content as a growth funnel. Watch the video to below to see EXACTLY how you can do it!

I'll just say it...

If you aren't using video content as an organic customer acquisition system, you are dropping the ball.

A lot of businesses believe they can just make a website, post some pics on Instagram, and run a Facebook ad and business will come magically. No. You need an efficient customer acquisition system that puts your business in front of your ideal customer 24/7, and actually gets them to come and spend $$$. Although often neglected or used incorrectly, using video content to organically target your ideal customer is way more effective and streamlined than most acquisition channels, paid or unpaid, and helps generate customers with lifetime value. If you aren't seeing dollars coming in from courtesy of this digital era, you are missing out on a gold rush!

This is what you need to do...

The Big Three Keys To Organic Customer Acquisition

  1. Capture Attention

  2. "Showcase The Goods"

  3. Attract Customers With Irresistible Offer

So you are ready to change life for your Business huh...

How To Work With Refine Global

Book Your Clarity Session To Talk Further and Collaboratively Strategize On The Best Customer Acquisition Strategy For Your Store Using TikTok.

We Will Then Evaluate Your TikTok and Ensure That It Is Setup For Success. If You Don't Have A TikTok, Or It's Not Optimized, No Worries! We Will Help You Set It Up and "Refine" It!

Using Your ICP & Our Personalized Strategy For Your Business, We Will Begin Funneling In Prospective Customers To The TikTok Page and From There, We Will Convert Them Into Customers With Lifetime Value!

Why Videos?

For better or for worst, social media is taking over the world. TikTok. Instagram. You name it, but there has been a social shift as to how everyday people engage with their favorite artist, their friend from college, and even the local business: videos. The biggest social platforms in the world are now prioritizing videos within their algorithm instead of regular posts, and are using artificial intelligence to show video content based on location, interests, and more. This presents a huge opportunity for businesses to reach a large and diverse audience, regardless of your target demographics. With these algorithms being designed to promote high engagement rates, this means that if a service-based business or even a restaurant creates engaging content, it has the potential to reach a wider audience and convert them into paying customers. A lot of people drop the ball on this, but we want to help them pick it back up, while spending little to no money on customer acquisition.

Ready to work?

Book A Clarity Session With Us! We Are Ready!

Choose a date & time below to schedule your free clarity session! We will have an informal chat about about your business and your goals, just to see if we can craft a strategy custom to your business/goals and to see if we're a good fit or not. Even if we don't work together, these clarity sessions are full of value and highly encouraged!